People & Blogs

Lotus Divine
12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki allows spiritual beings to assist us in healing. This has been proven time and again by healers. This is true for all types of healing, but Reiki is the best example. Different healers and practitioners around the globe have mentioned a special connection between Reiki, spiritual beings, and this was repeatedly repeated by them. Spiritual beings are an important part of the healing process. They provide guidance and help. They also bring blessings and healing of various types. One of the most obvious examples is the spiritual beings helping in healing.

Many instants of many types have led clients to new levels of awareness. Clients have had better and more profound experiences and views of the world around them. They are able to see the world clearly and understand how it works. Some have seen angles appear to them during meditation or in times when they were needed. Clients can also seek out spiritual and higher-ranking spiritual beings to aid them in reaching higher levels of consciousness. Practitioners report seeing holy figures, saints, and spiritual guides surrounded by bright lights. The light emanating from them, called a halo, is white in color and appears to be soothing.

Lotus Divine
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki and Sound

Lotus Divine
20 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Shamanic healing, an ancient practice that aims to reconnect us with our true selves, is the basis of the concept of shamanic. Since ancient times, shamanism's wisdom has helped us to reconnect with ourselves. Because of our hectic and busy lives, it is even more important today.

Over the centuries, Shamans have been able to heal people. Because they have a connection to Nature's healing forces or the source of healing, they can heal their communities.

Shamans believe parts of our souls can leave our bodies in order to save us from traumatic and torturous experiences. They perform soul retrieval to retrieve lost souls for clients. They return with more power. This practice is used in various parts of the globe, such as South America, Africa, Siberia, and elsewhere.

Lotus Divine
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Using Reiki for self-improvement

Reiki can help you attract more positive energy into your life. You will find that people, events, and things appear in your life without even knowing it. You will receive offers from people who will meet your current needs.

Reiki can be used to improve your self-esteem and you will soon find a new persona.

Using Reiki for self-improvement

You will learn things that you need to know and will appear to tell you what you should do in certain situations. It's an amazing feeling to realize that the universe is working in your favor. It creates situations and circumstances that are just right for you.

Using reiki for self-improvement

Everything seems to be thinking of you. The days of the universe being neutral, indifferent, or even harmfully hostile are gone. You will feel a deep sense of fulfillment, contentment, and satisfaction, as well as the presence of a strange king of joy. It will be like you have never experienced anything before. You will feel overwhelmed by the joy, happiness, and ecstasy that you experience.

You will feel joy, self-confidence, and energy that is new. There will be no limits to this feeling. This will lead to a renewed sense of confidence and power that will help you reach your goals in life.

Lotus Divine
12 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki is a very effective treatment for pregnant women. It is very effective in treating infertility and other related disorders. People who have difficulty having children tried many different remedies before they found Reiki. All of this is non-invasive. Reiki is closely related to pregnancy. It is amazing for those who are not able or unable to get pregnant. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including a pelvic area imbalance or reproductive area problems. Sometimes, couples who had given up on having children have experienced miraculously conceiving their child. After just weeks of Reiki, women have experienced sensations in their bodies and changes in the feeling in their abdomen. She was able to carry her baby in just a few weeks, and she delivered a healthy baby as expected.

Some practitioners believe that Reiki extends to the child during pregnancy if it is given to the mother. Early exposure to Reiki can make the child happy and healthy before birth, and create a better and happier future. It is possible to have an easy birth, which is both beneficial for the child and the mother. Some people claim that the baby within her mother's womb does not receive Reiki if it is given to her. However, the baby still reaps the benefits as he or she is able to grow in a Reiki-inducing environment that helps with attunement later in their lives.

Lotus Divine
22 Views · 2 years ago

⁣We all have our own set of talents, abilities, and limitations. These are our natural traits and characteristics, which we learn through the right methods. As we age, we become more skilled in the chosen areas of our professions. We can then use this talent or direction to further our goals. There are also limitations. Every day brings with it pitfalls, obstacles, shortfalls, and many other challenges. It is impossible to imagine a life without problems, but that doesn't mean we should give up on trying. Many health problems and medical problems are faced by us. These issues and other medical problems require proper attention, diagnosis, and treatment. Reiki and personal heal are essential to our lives.

Nature is in constant balance. Therefore, no problem can exist that doesn't have a solution. You only have to be willing to solve the problem. This is Nature's law. It only takes determination, perseverance, and willpower to achieve the desired results.

Lotus Divine
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Due to the constant conflicts and struggles between different religions and groups, we are now facing a world of problems. It seems that this is a constant struggle and millions are losing their rights to live peacefully and prosper. History is full of wars, conflicts, and areas that are rife with violence in every part of the globe as people attempt to rule each other. We have not learned from the past and this has led to untold suffering. It seems that hatred and animosity are only getting worse. Most of the violence and suffering stems from religious intolerance that isn't ending. It is therefore imperative that we find a way to bring peace and harmony on the planet, regardless of religious affiliation. Reiki is an energy-based healing system that doesn't depend on any religion. Reiki, and the future, have great prospects if we follow the Reiki guidelines.

Also, Reiki has been proven to be attracted by different religions and groups. They are now able to practice it alongside their religious beliefs and practices. Reiki does not require you to wait for a spiritual experience. It works immediately and is permanent. Reiki makes people feel in touch with the divine. They are able to experience direct contact with the higher power. Reiki is able to bring together people from different religious and ethnic backgrounds. We can expect a happier world with more people like them.

Lotus Divine
8 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Begin by giving thanks and expressing your willingness to be a Reiki channel. Also, you should declare that your personality and ego have been removed and that you are ready to receive the eternal, divine, creator, and universal life force energy. You will be the source of the energy flowing through your body when you do this. You should also be grateful to all the masters and angels who will help you on your journey. This is the beginning of Reiki, and moon energy.

It is possible to continue to meditate on and radiate Reiki energy for a long time. You don't have to transmit Reiki energy for a certain amount of time. You can keep doing it until you're satisfied. It is important to be comfortable with the process. After all of this is done, you can end the process by saying a prayer and giving thanks. Once you're done, draw a large symbol of power over your head to release the bonds.

Lotus Divine
25 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki is linked to emotions, feelings, and sentiments. Love is one of the strongest and most powerful emotions. Reiki can create a powerful and beautiful connection between lovers or partners. This strengthens the bond of love and creates an unbreakable love between partners. Reiki and lovers are two of the most powerful examples of Reiki's benefits for humans. It can bring out the best in a couple and make their love even more special.

Reiki is spiritually guided energy. It will flow to you both naturally and overwhelm you. It is a feeling of purpose. Therefore, the energy will bring you the right partner or intended or destined partner. It will be eternal and divine love, powered by the universal life force energy that flows through our bodies and around. Reiki is universal in its nature and is not bound by our limited thoughts and ideas. However, it is an intelligent energy and can know what is best for you. You just need to allow things to happen. Attunement can improve the relationship and build a strong family bond. Reiki-trained couples will help children develop perfectly and will create the perfect family.

Lotus Divine
14 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki and success are inseparable. There is actually a "bonding" between Reiki and success in specific areas of life. This has been proven numerous times. It has also been shown that Reiki is directly related to success. Reiki can play a crucial role in your life in order to bring you success. But only if it's in accord with the divine plan. Reiki is divine and eternal and knows exactly what to do and when to do it. A Reiki practitioner and healer can help channel the creator and eternal energy into your life, but it cannot direct it. It is aware of what it does and why. You can rest assured that everything will work out for your good and that you will get the best of it.

Your goals and aims will not be worthy or in line with the higher-order, universal intelligence. You will then be shown that your goal is not in accord with eternal wisdom. You will also learn how to manage and change your goals so you are in alignment with the divine order. These techniques will help you identify and achieve your true and worthy goal in your life.

Lotus Divine
20 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Everything in the universe is in a state of equilibrium. There is always a solution to any problem or difficulty that we may face. It's only a matter of time before we reach our goal. It is important to be confident, positive, and certain that you will eventually find a solution. Reiki and Healing prove this.

Similar attracts similarly. This is the truth about the mind. Whatever you think most will attract and be found. This increases depending on the energy and strength of your thought. This applies to your personality too. You must make a decision if you want to achieve a high-quality personality. Do not rethink the decision. It is permanent if a decision is made. Be confident that you will succeed, and you will be closer to the resources that are necessary to achieve the results you desire.

Reiki is a powerful tool that can be used to help you heal, grow and develop yourself. Reiki energy is derived from the Creator Self, the highest self. It is able to know exactly what you want and will work in your best interests. It doesn't need your involvement. It will automatically do all the work and guide you throughout your life. Reiki will give you incredible talents and abilities. It doesn't even require your participation.

Lotus Divine
29 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Chi Kung is a spiritual path that follows the Taoist tradition. It relies on meditation and breathing control techniques. It is also energy healing. Reiki and chi kung are very similar. This system was created by Bodhidharma, the 28th patriarch. He adopted the Japanese system. This is a Chinese method that was later adopted by Japan to promote Zen meditation.

It is well known that healing powers under chi-kung can take many years to achieve. It involves a lot of work and requires energy flow. This method is slower than Reiki. Reiki is instantaneous. While it takes practice, it doesn't require as rigorous a lifestyle as chi kung. Attunement, in Reiki, is the process of attaining life force energy. It can take several weeks. There are significant differences between both methods if you dig into them. Reiki is a time-saving method that allows one to spend more time healing or channeling energy into the individual's energy fields. There are many amazing benefits to both chi kung or Reiki in their own way. It is possible to feel empowered and heal oneself.

Lotus Divine
13 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki can be experienced by anyone. You can only feel it, not tell anyone. When approaching Reiki, one must be open-minded and follow his or her intuition. You cannot expect Reiki to work if you are against it but also continue to pursue it. It is important that the client has a neutral attitude and allows things to happen as they do. When receiving Reiki, it is important to have a positive attitude. Clearing the body of toxins and adjusting the body to Reiki or universal energy is the first step. All energy blockages will be cleared and the body will experience the flow of creator energy or eternal energy.

The aura of the Master Level is highly charged, and clients experience more intense healing. It is possible to heal using energy because energy is everything. There is a way to feel the vibes and evolve to the higher realm. Reiki can bring about a complete transformation and evolve. Although there is an evolution in the physical world, it ends at the energy or abstract level. You can reach the highest level of supreme evolution (or Supreme Being) by practicing Reiki regularly in a disciplined and committed manner. To become Master of Reiki, there must be a consistent routine. A Master can heal, and the client has the ability to teach Reiki.

Lotus Divine
11 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Before we can treat or heal a condition, it is important to understand what a disease actually is. A disease is simply negative energy that has stayed with you. If we want to heal, then we need to remove the negative energy. Lack of energy can cause illness, sickness, and other ailments by making our energy stagnant.

It flows through your body and continues to heal you wherever there are problems. Reiki practitioners are the channel that allows it to flow to you. The energy does all the work, and the practitioner cannot do it. It takes care of everything from entering the body, to curing the cells affected and other functions. All that is required of the client is to openly welcome this energy into their lives. Clients should have a healthy attitude and must accept and respect the universal energy that can heal them.

This universal energy is always working for the client's best interests and requires no intervention from the client. He must just accept the energy's work and be open to it. This energy of healing and eternal will move in the right direction and clear any obstructions in the chakras, allowing for proper and correct flow. You will be responsible for creating a higher conscious level of this flow.

Lotus Divine
7 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Meditation refers to mental concentration in special moments. You can meditate at any time in your daily life or when you have set aside a specific time for it. Intentional meditation helps us connect to God and hear His words.

This is different than praying, where we speak aloud and convey our thoughts to God. Unintentional meditation is a way to focus on God while performing other tasks, such as driving, walking, running, swimming, and washing clothes.

We need to be able to quickly move from one task or another. We also have to manage our work at home with the same quality and proficiency. All of this takes time. However, we need to be able to manage all the tasks and also make time for meditation and self-healing because spirituality can be a vital part of our daily lives. Do it because this is what's most important. This is what will make everything else go smoothly. Our relationship with God is one of the most important aspects of our lives. The way we communicate with God, as a friend, will determine how successful our lives are.

Lotus Divine
10 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Traditional medicine and Reiki

Reiki is growing in popularity, and people are turning to it with hope. Reiki has always been proven to be beneficial. Reiki is receiving increasing acceptance, although it is still not the mainstay of traditional medicine.

Because of this, traditional medicine and Reiki combine to be most effective and beneficial. It's being used together with traditional medical treatment and is showing great curative power.

Alternative Healing

Reiki was intended to serve as an alternative healing tool. The Reiki system has become a complementary healing method and is not seeking to gain a higher status through increasing acceptance. It should not be considered an alternative method of healing. It's now being used alongside modern treatment, and it works for the best good of the patients.

Therapies & techniques

Hospitals can use advanced therapies and techniques. Hospitals are also training caregivers, doctors, and other health workers. For patients with serious health issues, this is also done.

All of this is done by the clinics and hospitals as part of their in-house training programs or programs geared towards more, better.

Effective & Beneficial

This treatment is highly effective and very beneficial to patients who are no longer able to take care of themselves at home. Reiki is often offered to these patients as a way to transform their psychological makeup. The hospital staff will conduct the programs for them, with the exception of the fact that they have to be managed differently.

Reiki treatment results in a noticeable change in their attitude. They are more optimistic and confident.

Lotus Divine
5 Views · 2 years ago

⁣A condition known as breast cancer can cause pain and discomfort in various parts of the body. Surgery is the only option, but it can cause significant discomfort in the breasts and other areas of the body like the underarms. There is no other option than chemotherapy, which can cause joint pain, mouth sores, and pain in other parts of the body.

Reiki is an effective treatment for these conditions. It is non-invasive and gentle. Reiki uses relaxation techniques and hypnosis to treat cancer. Reiki involves sending high levels a positive energy into the body. There is no need for medication. Kirlian photography has repeatedly proven that everyone is surrounded in an energy field. Disease is only possible when energy flows through the body and are disrupted.

This non-invasive method of treating breast carcinoma has proven to be extremely effective in pain and disease management. Reiki can also be used with allopathy. It can be used before, during, and after surgery as a pain relief. It can also be used to calm down patients who have breast cancer.

Lotus Divine
23 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki & business

Reiki students are those who have trained to improve their own health and the well-being of their loved ones. They are only allowed to use Reiki for personal purposes and they do not charge any fees. These Reiki students don't charge any fees for healing.

Although Reiki and business don't necessarily have to be related, one can use it as an income supplement. Students can learn Reiki, and then charge a fee for their services.


Reiki can be used for business purposes, and it has numerous benefits. This can help increase Reiki's actual benefits.

This realization came from the fact he had already given healing to people before and that they were transformed and now live a better life. Many people have Reiki needs but are unable, or not able to learn it. These people can enjoy the divine healing effects of Reiki by paying a minimal amount.

Lotus Divine
24 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki can be used to complement acupuncture. It enhances the healing power and gives patients a new method of healing that allows them to heal faster. Many controlled studies have shown that Reiki and acupuncture complement each other well and work together very well. A combination of Reiki and needle administration makes acupuncture even more potent. Combining Reiki attunement with the inserting of needles has proven to be extremely effective in the long-term and drug-free treatment of long-standing diseases.

The procedure results in patients feeling more calm and relaxed. They even feel more comfortable falling asleep during it. They can manage their heart rate, blood pressure, stress-related symptoms, and even sleep better. Pendulums that aren't moving due to blocked energy can be restored when Reiki is administered to the appropriate part of the body. The Reiki treatment has made the energy blockage that was previously present disappear. Pendulum movement showed that energy was flowing and clients experienced significant relief from pain. The clients experienced a much faster recovery than they expected. It was surprising that there was no need for medication. The clients were able quickly to return to their work and resume their normal daily lives.

Lotus Divine
18 Views · 2 years ago

⁣Reiki & Healing relationships

Reiki has the ability to heal and nurture relationships. Reiki can quickly heal any relationship issue and last forever.

It can change the color and tone of a relationship. Healing relationships are possible in any relationship. However, it is important to recognize that a relationship is a living thing.

Recognize the relationship

Once you have recognized the relationship, you can send healing energy. A relationship is a unique combination and blends of energies. A bond can be made living by giving it a form. This makes it easier to get along with. The universal life force energy of the universe can be directed to the relationship just like it does for other people.

Because of the emotions of fear, doubts, anger, and jealousy, relationships are often in trouble. It begins with identifying the weaknesses and back draws of the relationship, then providing the eternal Reiki energy.

First, you must identify the weak points of the bond. Next, imagine them in real life.

More Focus on Ideas

The goal of selecting an object was to be more focused, have better vision, and be clearer in your ideas. By having some reference points, you can easily see the source of conflict. When you meditate or use Reiki energy healing techniques, it is important to keep your eyes on the object.

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